What is Deedz?
Deedz is the currency of the Nano League ecosystem. It is an ERC20 token minted in Ethereum and will be purchased/traded in crypto exchanges. Deedz coins have a limited supply.
How to get Deedz
- earn and win Deedz by playing in the Nano Sustainability League and championships
- buy Deedz coins from the League fight the climate crisis and give away as incentives to motivate their customers, suppliers, and employees
- buy Deedz coins from the League to fight the climate crisis and get a healthy return on their investment
How to use Deedz
- purchase sustainability products, services, and digital assets in Nano Marketplace
- get discounts on unique physical products, services
- sell/trade in crypto exchanges
- Player’s incentives and rewards for Players (employees, suppliers, consumers) to engage them in meeting the company’s Scope 1-3 objectives to avoid/reduce carbon emissions
- Payments for subscriptions, rewards, and Tokenized carbon credits, etc.
- Payments for sponsorships
- League Sponsor (Nano)
- Championship Sponsor (ECC – Public)
- Team Sponsor (College or City)
- Task Sponsor (Recycling Task)
- sell/trade in crypto exchanges
- sell/trade in crypto exchanges
- Payment for Tokenized carbon credits, etc.